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Task Order for Atchafalaya Basin

Levee District, West Atchafalaya Basin

Protection Levee, Non-Continuous,

  • St. Martin Parish, Louisiana

This project is part of the larger USACE - MVN New Orleans

to Venice Hurricane Risk Reduction Project that incorporates non-federal levee to federal hurricane protection levees drainage ditches to the cross-sections, lines, and grades shown on the drawings, structural excavation and backfill for the floodwall, levee tie-ins, and other work required. This project scope included clearing and grubbing of the area under the temporary flood protection and vegetation removal. K-Belle was hired to excavate a new drainage canal and maintenance access and placement of haul roads, construct backfill for the floodwall, and levee tie-ins. K-Belle was also in charge of the placement of geotextile and surface material and drainage pipeline and sewer force main, asphaltic pavement, and canal construction.


K-Belle was hired to excavate a new drainage canal and maintenance of access and placement of haul roads, construct backfill for the floodwall and levee tie-ins. K-Belle was also in charge of the placement of geotextile and surface material and drainage pipeline and sewer force main, asphaltic pavement and canal construction.


Embankment Placement and Compaction: 

Work included two (2) preloaded tie-ins; foundation preparation and construction; ditches and cutoff trenches backfill; Stone Surfacing for maintaining and construction of levee access roads and area around the new pump station; disposal of any hazardous and/or regulated solid water generator; control of pollution, (air, water and land, noise, fish, and wildlife); implementing and enforcing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan through the use of silt fencing, truck wash down racks and daily monitoring. Demolition and deconstruction of the existing pump stations two (2) included steel frame building with wood frame members, timber pile supports, timber piles, fuel tank platform and piles, steel sheet pile and steel fencing. 


Architect: N/A

Year of Completion: 2012

Project Cost: $32,968,041.00


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